I thought i would give a Log a go in the hopes of tracking progress but also getting help along the way. I am not a Pro or "know it all" by any means so i am here to access any knowledge passed down to better my goals from you guys.
I grew up on and off cycles in my early 20's with mates but to be honest we were just going crazy with workouts and cycles thinking more was better(young and dumb right haha). currently 37 years old now.
About 6 months ago i started back at the gym as i weighed 142kg, 6 foot 2 tall & it needed to change. I got my hands on some TEST and DECA and ran a cycle (also Purchasing more from @AlphaLabs once i was introduced to this site and his communication,business & product was faultless) .
Looking back Deca probably wasnt my best option but its all i knew from my old days, either that or Tren and Tren is off my list at this point in my life.
I ran 500mg of TEST E and 400mg Deca - i hit the gym 5 days a week before work & i am currently sitting 17kg down (125kg currently) pictures are current as of now, i have always been a big framed bloke and my weight where i feel happy physically & mentally is around the 110kg -
Current diet i shoot for around 2300 calories and 200grams protein a day. I have a food business & i am in In-house chef so meal prep is not an issue for me & open to foods i should cut/add etc.
i do have a bad lower back which scares me away from doing movements like deadlifts,squats etc - i get told with right form i should be right but i have hurt it quite badly doing similar movements in the past so i prefer to not even risk downtime which can be weeks. i dont let my back stop me from doing the things that i want to do, i am just wary of certain movements.
Also have a neck injury with a spur and bulging disc impeding on a nerve but this does not effect my training - its a Jiu jitsu injury & only flares when i am training that.
My goal is to lose my gut, build muscle & try hit 110kg.
dosages i was thinking - TEST E 500mg, EQ 300mg, possible deca for joint & i am now open to peoples thoughts and advice on running something like TBOL or Anavar. I read TBOL can help keep muscle when running a calorie deficit? i have never taken orals just for the fact i was always worried about my liver.
i had some Test left over and started back on it this week -
I will need to purchase some more stuff from a vendor over the next week (TEST & EQ plus possible oral if i go that route) as i have been looking over a fair few of our trusted aussie vendors which all look to have great prices and reviews.
Would love to hear some seasoned veterans opinions if this is a good stack or if i should tweak it.
Vitamins: I take Protein, Creatine,glutamine,zinc/mag/b6 currently... definitely open to hearing any other supplements that are a MUST.
Workout routine: Its just the one i have always used but again, im open for constructive criticism to change if it betters my results - have been reading on PPL and others.
Mon - Arms/Shoulders
Tues - Chest/back
Wed - Legs/abs
Thurs - Arms/shoulders
Fri - Chest/back
sat/sun - rest
Thanks guys. I am not really sure if this is the info i needed to start the log or if the layout is completely Rooted (apologies if it is) haha but i am a quick learner & appreciate your time.
also thanks to @coolguy77711 for pointing me in the right direction to get this started. thanks bro
cheers & enjoy your weekend
I thought i would give a Log a go in the hopes of tracking progress but also getting help along the way. I am not a Pro or "know it all" by any means so i am here to access any knowledge passed down to better my goals from you guys.
I grew up on and off cycles in my early 20's with mates but to be honest we were just going crazy with workouts and cycles thinking more was better(young and dumb right haha). currently 37 years old now.
About 6 months ago i started back at the gym as i weighed 142kg, 6 foot 2 tall & it needed to change. I got my hands on some TEST and DECA and ran a cycle (also Purchasing more from @AlphaLabs once i was introduced to this site and his communication,business & product was faultless) .
Looking back Deca probably wasnt my best option but its all i knew from my old days, either that or Tren and Tren is off my list at this point in my life.
I ran 500mg of TEST E and 400mg Deca - i hit the gym 5 days a week before work & i am currently sitting 17kg down (125kg currently) pictures are current as of now, i have always been a big framed bloke and my weight where i feel happy physically & mentally is around the 110kg -
Current diet i shoot for around 2300 calories and 200grams protein a day. I have a food business & i am in In-house chef so meal prep is not an issue for me & open to foods i should cut/add etc.
i do have a bad lower back which scares me away from doing movements like deadlifts,squats etc - i get told with right form i should be right but i have hurt it quite badly doing similar movements in the past so i prefer to not even risk downtime which can be weeks. i dont let my back stop me from doing the things that i want to do, i am just wary of certain movements.
Also have a neck injury with a spur and bulging disc impeding on a nerve but this does not effect my training - its a Jiu jitsu injury & only flares when i am training that.
My goal is to lose my gut, build muscle & try hit 110kg.
dosages i was thinking - TEST E 500mg, EQ 300mg, possible deca for joint & i am now open to peoples thoughts and advice on running something like TBOL or Anavar. I read TBOL can help keep muscle when running a calorie deficit? i have never taken orals just for the fact i was always worried about my liver.
i had some Test left over and started back on it this week -
I will need to purchase some more stuff from a vendor over the next week (TEST & EQ plus possible oral if i go that route) as i have been looking over a fair few of our trusted aussie vendors which all look to have great prices and reviews.
Would love to hear some seasoned veterans opinions if this is a good stack or if i should tweak it.
Vitamins: I take Protein, Creatine,glutamine,zinc/mag/b6 currently... definitely open to hearing any other supplements that are a MUST.
Workout routine: Its just the one i have always used but again, im open for constructive criticism to change if it betters my results - have been reading on PPL and others.
Mon - Arms/Shoulders
Tues - Chest/back
Wed - Legs/abs
Thurs - Arms/shoulders
Fri - Chest/back
sat/sun - rest
Thanks guys. I am not really sure if this is the info i needed to start the log or if the layout is completely Rooted (apologies if it is) haha but i am a quick learner & appreciate your time.
also thanks to @coolguy77711 for pointing me in the right direction to get this started. thanks bro
cheers & enjoy your weekend