Pushing for 300g daily. Been getting at least 250 at worst. My guy is this guy:
Gonna do another 4.5 weeks (8wks total). Then come off. Then start low dose nolva after a few weeks. Then try and maintain as much as i can for another month (2 months off). Then do it again but loading the eq a wk before before starting dbol. And will prob do 30mg.
only thing im watching for is how my hair looks at the end of those 2 months off. I had a shed in the second week. Thing is, it doesnt 5 alpha reduce, so either it causes hair loss through another mechanism OR it is just a shed like you would get from starting finasteride, and what causes the hair loss in people is stacking with test, or the test rebound afterwards.
If you take test + dbol, they will compete for aromatase. You end up with more free test converting to dht.
T only, normal dht conversion.
Dbol only .No dht conversion. Test is crushed so very low dht conversion from that.
Lets see