dropped the dbol for a couple days to see how much i was relying on it to train, and just to see what happens. training was actually better than it has been in a bit. feel fiery af. definitely swung my androgen/e ratio way up especially with the EQ probably crushing e2 now. slight increase in libido which i haven't felt since week2, so e2 obviously got too high. feel much more my old self but maybe too far, getting some gamer rage, definitely could use some e2. I've had a total of about 900mg (slightly underfilled shots) of EQ in ten days to quickly saturate, now will take 200mg every 5 days. its doing something. could see the striations in my shoulders which is new. will reintroduce dbol soonish i just want to see where this goes. oh yeah and im way hungrier. can almost just eat constantly.