-32 years old
-balding without gear
-20-25% BF?
-Attached photo was taken on November 6th 2024
-the two blood tests attached, the one in the green numbers was taken on the 4th November 2024, the one with a number of parameters in red was taken on December 11th 2024.
-No prior steroid cycles, however back in 2018 approximately I took a sarms cycle consisting of the following:
All of those was taken at the recommended lower label dosage for an extended period of time, to memory approximately 3months. No PCT was conducted after this.
History of mental health issues, recently came off a substantial amount of medication with guidance of the health care professional, these was:
-Priadel lithium @1200mg
-Biquelle XL @ 150mg
-Diazepam @ 6mg
-Venleflaxine @ 300mg
these was weaned down over a period of several months, i was clear of any medication approximately 4 weeks prior to initial blood test.
self administered TRT which escalated into a cycle.
Today Tuesday 17th December I had an appointment with a HRT specialist, advised to stop taking Test(e)300, wean myself off and upon completion of the vial. Wait 2-3months before another consultation to see where I stand within their practice.
Started injecting test(e)300 approximately 6 weeks ago, began dose at 0.15-0.2ml per injection twice weekly. Was feeling great so lack of experience and poor judgement I jumped to 0.3ml EOD. Attached below is my supplier aswell the remaining steroid in the vial, I did not start with any AI or SERM. I have order Aromasin and Nolvadex on the 16th December 2024, as I am experiencing what seems to be E2 related gyno or potentially prolactin.
Supporting vitamins:
-Vitamin D3+K2(Mk-7) by nutrition geeks from amazon (taken in morning)
-P5P (taken in morning)
-Vitamin B12(taken in morning)
-L-Lysine (for coldsores)
-Magnesium glycinate 3-1 nutrition geeks
Started a workout and food log on Monday 9th December
Pure Gym and works Gym are used, certain machines are displayed as 1-20, unclear on weight. Other machines are labelled so forgive any inconsistencies.
Monday 9th December
2xdouble bacon&egg Mcmuffin, 1xcaramel latte, 1xlatte, basmatti rice with chicken x 2, 0.3ml test(e) 300, 2 red sugar free redbull.
Design = reps @ weight
Flat bb bench
1.15@80 2.12@90 3.8@90 4.10@90
DB incline
4 sets was performed @ 35kg, reps was not counted.
Cable fly (pin height 31)
1.23@3 2.16@5 3.14@5 4.11@5
No abs and no cardio
Tuesday 10th December
4 eggs, 2 toast with peanut butter/butter
2 portions of chicken and basmatti rice
Oxtail soup,cinnamon bagel, chicken breast
3 sugar free red bull
Cable rope pushdown
1.23@8 2.16@9 3.15@9 4.12@9
Straight bar pushdown
1.21@10 2.20@12 3.12@14 4.13@14
Overhead rope extension
1.10@6 2.9@6 3.10@6 4.11@6
Cable straight bar curl
1.19@8 2.13@8 3.13@8 4.14@8
Cable rope hammer
1.14@7 2.19@7 3.13@7 4.12@7
Decline Cable curl
1.10@4 2.10@4 3.12@4 4.10@4
Cable crunches, no cardio
Wednesday 11th December
1 mocha, 2 caramel squares, 1 bacon bap
3 portions of chicken and basmatti rice
1 sugar free monster
0.3ml test(e) 300
DB lat raise
1.15@10 2.16@10 3.13@10
Db shoulder press
1.9@30 2.9@30 3.7@30
Cable rope facepulls
1.18@10 2.11@10 3.12@10
Cable lat raise (pin height 5)
1.12@2 2.18@2 3.15@2
Bb shrugs
1.12@80 2.19@80 3.10@80
Cardio-treadmill 20mins speed 7, 0 incline
Thursday 12th December
5 eggs, 2 toast with peanut butter/butter
Homemade chicken soup
Chicken and basmatti rice x 2
1 sugar free monster, 1 donut
Knee extensions
1.19@8 2.25@8 3.24@8 4.24@8
Front squat
1.12@50 2.13@50 3.15@50
Calf raises standing
1.20@12 2.19@12 3.23@12
Hamstring curl seated
1.14@8 2.13@8 3.11@8
Cardio-treadmil 15mins @ speed 6, 0 incline.
Friday 13th December
Forgot to monitor today, however today was back, no Cardio or abs done.
Saturday 14th December
4 eggs, 1 toast with peanut butter/butter
2 sugar free monster
Chicken soup
Incline smith bench(seat pin 4)
1.14@90 2.10@90 3.10@9 4.13@90
Guillotine press
1.12@60 2.13@60 3.11@60
incline DB press(pin height 3)
1.12@30 2.8@34 3.8@34
Cable fly (pin height 16)
1.20@14 2.16@14 3.12@14 4.10@14
Hanging leg raises
1.16 2.22 4.19
Cable rope pushdown
1.16@36 2.13@36 3.12@36
Cardio-treadmil 15mins @ speed 6, 0incline
Sunday 15th December
2 eggs, tim Hortons breakfast wrap
Sunday dinner
0.2ml test(e)300
Calf raise seated
Forgot to note
Knee extension
Forgot to note
Perfect squat machine
1.18@60 2.11@80 3.10@80 4.9@80
Cannonball squat BB
1.16@80 2.11@100 3.8@100(pause reps)
Walking BB lunge
1.19@20 2.22@20 3.18@20 dropped to 10@BW
Monday 16th December
Porridge with water&blueberries
5 eggs
2 X chicken and basmatti rice
Tuesday 17th December
Porridge with water&blueberries
4 eggs
3 x chicken and basmatti rice
Forgot to note
Working hours 1448-2258, typically asleep by 0100, awake with family by 0600-0700.
I hope this provides adequate information.
-balding without gear
-20-25% BF?
-Attached photo was taken on November 6th 2024
-the two blood tests attached, the one in the green numbers was taken on the 4th November 2024, the one with a number of parameters in red was taken on December 11th 2024.
-No prior steroid cycles, however back in 2018 approximately I took a sarms cycle consisting of the following:
All of those was taken at the recommended lower label dosage for an extended period of time, to memory approximately 3months. No PCT was conducted after this.
History of mental health issues, recently came off a substantial amount of medication with guidance of the health care professional, these was:
-Priadel lithium @1200mg
-Biquelle XL @ 150mg
-Diazepam @ 6mg
-Venleflaxine @ 300mg
these was weaned down over a period of several months, i was clear of any medication approximately 4 weeks prior to initial blood test.
self administered TRT which escalated into a cycle.
Today Tuesday 17th December I had an appointment with a HRT specialist, advised to stop taking Test(e)300, wean myself off and upon completion of the vial. Wait 2-3months before another consultation to see where I stand within their practice.
Started injecting test(e)300 approximately 6 weeks ago, began dose at 0.15-0.2ml per injection twice weekly. Was feeling great so lack of experience and poor judgement I jumped to 0.3ml EOD. Attached below is my supplier aswell the remaining steroid in the vial, I did not start with any AI or SERM. I have order Aromasin and Nolvadex on the 16th December 2024, as I am experiencing what seems to be E2 related gyno or potentially prolactin.
Supporting vitamins:
-Vitamin D3+K2(Mk-7) by nutrition geeks from amazon (taken in morning)
-P5P (taken in morning)
-Vitamin B12(taken in morning)
-L-Lysine (for coldsores)
-Magnesium glycinate 3-1 nutrition geeks
Started a workout and food log on Monday 9th December
Pure Gym and works Gym are used, certain machines are displayed as 1-20, unclear on weight. Other machines are labelled so forgive any inconsistencies.
Monday 9th December
2xdouble bacon&egg Mcmuffin, 1xcaramel latte, 1xlatte, basmatti rice with chicken x 2, 0.3ml test(e) 300, 2 red sugar free redbull.
Design = reps @ weight
Flat bb bench
1.15@80 2.12@90 3.8@90 4.10@90
DB incline
4 sets was performed @ 35kg, reps was not counted.
Cable fly (pin height 31)
1.23@3 2.16@5 3.14@5 4.11@5
No abs and no cardio
Tuesday 10th December
4 eggs, 2 toast with peanut butter/butter
2 portions of chicken and basmatti rice
Oxtail soup,cinnamon bagel, chicken breast
3 sugar free red bull
Cable rope pushdown
1.23@8 2.16@9 3.15@9 4.12@9
Straight bar pushdown
1.21@10 2.20@12 3.12@14 4.13@14
Overhead rope extension
1.10@6 2.9@6 3.10@6 4.11@6
Cable straight bar curl
1.19@8 2.13@8 3.13@8 4.14@8
Cable rope hammer
1.14@7 2.19@7 3.13@7 4.12@7
Decline Cable curl
1.10@4 2.10@4 3.12@4 4.10@4
Cable crunches, no cardio
Wednesday 11th December
1 mocha, 2 caramel squares, 1 bacon bap
3 portions of chicken and basmatti rice
1 sugar free monster
0.3ml test(e) 300
DB lat raise
1.15@10 2.16@10 3.13@10
Db shoulder press
1.9@30 2.9@30 3.7@30
Cable rope facepulls
1.18@10 2.11@10 3.12@10
Cable lat raise (pin height 5)
1.12@2 2.18@2 3.15@2
Bb shrugs
1.12@80 2.19@80 3.10@80
Cardio-treadmill 20mins speed 7, 0 incline
Thursday 12th December
5 eggs, 2 toast with peanut butter/butter
Homemade chicken soup
Chicken and basmatti rice x 2
1 sugar free monster, 1 donut
Knee extensions
1.19@8 2.25@8 3.24@8 4.24@8
Front squat
1.12@50 2.13@50 3.15@50
Calf raises standing
1.20@12 2.19@12 3.23@12
Hamstring curl seated
1.14@8 2.13@8 3.11@8
Cardio-treadmil 15mins @ speed 6, 0 incline.
Friday 13th December
Forgot to monitor today, however today was back, no Cardio or abs done.
Saturday 14th December
4 eggs, 1 toast with peanut butter/butter
2 sugar free monster
Chicken soup
Incline smith bench(seat pin 4)
1.14@90 2.10@90 3.10@9 4.13@90
Guillotine press
1.12@60 2.13@60 3.11@60
incline DB press(pin height 3)
1.12@30 2.8@34 3.8@34
Cable fly (pin height 16)
1.20@14 2.16@14 3.12@14 4.10@14
Hanging leg raises
1.16 2.22 4.19
Cable rope pushdown
1.16@36 2.13@36 3.12@36
Cardio-treadmil 15mins @ speed 6, 0incline
Sunday 15th December
2 eggs, tim Hortons breakfast wrap
Sunday dinner
0.2ml test(e)300
Calf raise seated
Forgot to note
Knee extension
Forgot to note
Perfect squat machine
1.18@60 2.11@80 3.10@80 4.9@80
Cannonball squat BB
1.16@80 2.11@100 3.8@100(pause reps)
Walking BB lunge
1.19@20 2.22@20 3.18@20 dropped to 10@BW
Monday 16th December
Porridge with water&blueberries
5 eggs
2 X chicken and basmatti rice
Tuesday 17th December
Porridge with water&blueberries
4 eggs
3 x chicken and basmatti rice
Forgot to note
Working hours 1448-2258, typically asleep by 0100, awake with family by 0600-0700.
I hope this provides adequate information.