@Fmos welcome to the EVO family in full force

great start.
Likely Aromasin for you, but with 600mgs primobolan you might only need a low dose.
@AE1079 can add to this.
I would start with 1:1 test

rimo not higher.
Yes kickstart with anavar 50mgs ed is a good dose 6 weeks.
16 weeks is a smooth cycle, 14-16 range.
Too much primobolan and Ai might crash e2, so be careful. Organ and liver support like n2guard is needed as well.
Many of the things you shared are base, which is good, but diet and training should change as you go, for example as you get stronger, so weekly updates multiple are the best.
Also please share your pic with face blurred so we see your muscle base.
Please share more day to day information with us.
Diet, Training, Cardio
Diet, please share foods and meals and when you eat them, macros would be good
Training, please share actual exercises reps sets and weights, as you go especially get stronger
cardio how much do you do? when etc
If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.
what digestive supps you use?
digestive enzymes?
psyllium husk?
please share pictures of you face blurred
pics of your meals as you go
pics of your training as you go
pics of your supps
pics of your gear
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