Hey gents I’m trying to stay as healthy as possible with my trt protocol and are looking for some feedback. My hemocrit is really high along with hemoglobin on my trt protocol and have to donate blood at intervals and I only ever just scrape in within the blood banks range to donate by drinking fountains of water.
I’m on 60mg of test e a week and would like to use primobolan at a low dosage for a cycle but don’t want to risk elevating hemoglobin outside blood banks range.
So i stumbled across subcutaneous trt injections and a study that found a reduction of 43% hemocrit over muscular.
Just after some feedback from the gents that may run this protocol and if they can vouch for the proposed benefit of doing so.
I run all the so called supplements that may or may not lower hemocrit already but have found no benefit.
Hoping the lads can provide some clarity around this.
I’m on 60mg of test e a week and would like to use primobolan at a low dosage for a cycle but don’t want to risk elevating hemoglobin outside blood banks range.
So i stumbled across subcutaneous trt injections and a study that found a reduction of 43% hemocrit over muscular.
Just after some feedback from the gents that may run this protocol and if they can vouch for the proposed benefit of doing so.
I run all the so called supplements that may or may not lower hemocrit already but have found no benefit.
Hoping the lads can provide some clarity around this.