don't take this as I am insulting you because I am 100% not doing that. but listen to what i'm saying and see if you agree.
with primo first off it BOOSTS your immune system instead of crashing it, hence why the top AIDS doctor in the world wants it legalized so he can use it on his patients. why? because it boosts immune system with virtually zero sides, unlike anadrol for example.
secondly if you ALREADY have a nice base and aren't looking to move the scale or move the weights in the gym that is where primo shines for you. its NOT for someone who is 150 pounds looking to impress his gf and be 190 pounds after 2 cycles, or someone who wants to bench 400 pounds and squat 640 and who wants to get over the hump.
lets say I want to run something that doesn't fuck with me physically, doesn't cause sides.. boosts immune system. will give you slow and steady gains in the gym which are actually keepable cause they aren't just water and bullshit. then primo is perfect for you. otherwise go run tren and dbol and blow up overnight and be happy
but keep in mind tren will not only fuck up your stomach flora potentially permanently (you better run pre and pro biotics while on it or else you are fucked), destroy your lipid health, and it will cripple your immune system. primo does none of that