Well, my diet hasn't changed, it's not a diet as such it's just how i always eat,
protein veg salad fruit not usually any junk food, if i have that once then that's it for a while.
For the first 3 weeks my stomach objected to 1iu gh big time but that has settled down now.
Workout hasn't changed, weight, reps, sets the same have no urge to up weights yet although
lately i have noticed a small amount of extra strength not enough to up weights though.
My biggest strength gain was 3 weeks after using peps, maybe that was all i had left.
Weight is measured in the morning was 82kg up to 86.5 now down to 85kg after 33 days.
I'm using 80mg test x2 week Monday morning and Thursday night 1 iu gh nightly.
Probably have a small change when looking in mirror not much though but that's hard
for me to tell.
My biggest fear is if i stop i will end up like most others in my area, with big pot bellies
and i don't want that so i would rather cut back then stop, what do you think?.
And if you know of any gear that will combat fique, i would be pleased to know about.