@Eddie Haskell or anyone else I got a question for everyone... Since being on here I've noticed from my fellow brothers how much my training in the past turned into powerlifting philosophy over the years. I've made the corrections of less weight, much much shorter rest periods between sets, higher rep count and going to failure from progressive overload, not the failure you get from failing heavy bench on 3rd rep because your benching your 3 rep max... if you get me. Anyways here's the question.
Yesterday when I done back and bis, I was not resting much between exercises, because I guess I've reversed my philosophy from a comment on here regarding time and progress. I feel like I should be resting more between exercises, otherwise when starting a new exercise, I'm already at a ever increasing percentage down from my normal strength (at this current time) for the exercise. So rest between sets is under a minute, great. My 1-2 minute rest between exercises needs increasing. Is 4-5 mins ok? is it a double edged sword kinda where both extremes are bad so I gotta find somewhere in the middle? Obviously such a short period where I haven't recovered won't help my progess??? Im focused on reverse pyrimad mainly for the next few months but down wanna fall back into my powerlifting philosophy. I never enjoyed that type of training as much anyway. Don't be scared someone to flick me a rep number and reverse pyrimad strategy to follow if you know it's proven, especially if you have a layout or structure you can send me . Cheers
Most of my rest periods are 45 seconds to 1 minute, legs 2 minutes