To be fair, when I 1st joined this place it was a mindfuck full of what looked to be fake people and ulterior motives.
Not everyone on here is just pushing other people's gear. I'm running a log for
@DofRandD after being scammed twice. But if the guy was a prick and his gear was shit, I'd be the 1st to speak up. We do joke about him having a pube blend though unfortunately.
With regards to bath tub brews.
Im originally from the UK where steriods are legal. Very little concern of being scammed. I could of got 10ml of test e for 20 bucks. Literally no one made fake underdosed bath tub brew because the competition to make good gear was so high.
That all went for everything except Pharma. Cost more, looked fancy, but there were so many fakes getting churned out. Even hospitals were buying massive quantities of what turned out to be "replica" Up John amps. It was a massive money maker.
You also had various levels of "Pharma" genuine licenced Pharma, then Pharma that bought its licence to call itself Pharma, then Pharma that just said Pharma on its vials of Tren.
I've heard more story's of people getting ripped off, or injecting shit from the 1st 2 Pharma companies than what you're calling bath tub brews.
Seems rather hypercritical to say are you really gunna stick that shit in your body regardless of where and what it is you think you're sticking in your body.