Dec 23rd Chest/Tris
Barbell Bench - 60kg for 20 reps 4 set
Incline Bench - 60kg for 20 reps 4 set
Standing Cable Flys - 60 reps 4 sets
Incline DB Bench 70kg for 3 reps and 1 set to failure
Rope - 30 x 15 reps 4 sets superset rope Crunches
Dips - BW x 4 sets of 15 superset with Bench Crunches
Active/Passive Stretches
1 hour boxing
Can feel the var like how it's supposed nothing explosive just slow and steady!
Once I receive the rest from
@RhinoUGL I will add acetate.
ADEX 0.25 (at 0.5 I had alot of aches in pains
300mg Test E (Silerback)
Anavar (Beliga)
Waiting on Primo-Acetate