Weight 139.1lbs
Paused Sumo Deadlift
225x5x5 Pause 1-2 inch off floor for 1 second
Bent over BB Rows
BB Shrugs
Lat Pulldowns Close Grip
Treadmill 30min
Dead pause deadlifts today. Never done them before. Mr said we had to do them so I did. Nice light weight. Trying to breathe in, brace and then stop after only a few inches is a bit of a learning curve and staying tight, but then Just pulling fast from that point felt real good. I’m trying to think of deadlift as a pushing movement drop my ass down and push my feet into the floor keeping my back strait as I can. Just squat down push up. I felt myself bending over a bit too much on some reps so tried to correct it. By the last Set I’m usually doing better form. Wanted to do rack pulls too but we decided bent-over bb rows and bb shrugs. Next week will try to see if we can set up on racks to do heavy rack pulls feel some heavier weight. Work on the top half the pull. That will be fun. Finished with treadmill. Is it just me or does anyone else just get irritated listening to people talk on the F’ing phone loudly with earbuds in, while at gym? This lady always does this too…standing on the treadmill Next up me, not even walking just puts her buds in ears then just starts yammering loud high pitched voice. 14minutes before she even started the treadmill!! And it was a diff language. She just kept yacking. While walking 1 mph. I mean excuse your self and go talk somewhere else. Or the dude that has earbuds and raps out loud and it bad rapping and it’s loud and it’s profanity! I’m sorry it’s just rude to subject people to that. I’m Not even on a cycle and I have rage lol.

well anyhow I guess my heart rate was higher because if it! Ok enjoy the weekend!