5min skipping warmup
Chest press machine
Hi-rep warm up then
Lvl 50/65/80/100 reps 12/12/10/10
Incline barbell bench
50kg/70/90 new max 10/10/10
High cable flys
Lvl 12.515/17.5 new max reps 15/13/11 PB
Low cable flys
7.5/10/12.5 reps 13/12/11 PB
E-Z curl bar standing bicep curls
Weight on each side of bar
10/15/17.5kg reps 3x10
Incline hammer DB curls
17.5/20/22.5 reps 10/10/10
Strict form standing DB curls lighter weight
10/12.5/15kg reps 18/15/14
Big pump!
Brekky was again eggs and mushrooms (will take a pic and post on my new log from tomorrow) and update some progress pics. Then protein shake. Going to an American bbq joint for lunch so a bit of a meat fest - will stay away from too many carbs.